Dilate Ensemble is an audio-visual collective featuring:
Carole Kim (California): live video installation
Gloria Damijan (Vienna): extended toy pianos, percussion
Scott L. Miller (Minnesota): Kyma, electronics
Luisa Muhr (New York): voice, movement
Jon Raskin (California): sax, concertina, electronics, recycled materials, voice
In April 2020, Carole compressed her work in video installation to fit beneath her kitchen table, creating an intimate live "venue." She invited Gloria, Scott, Luisa and Jon to join her for a structured-improv telematic performance. They have continued to work together since as Dilate Ensemble presenting work in numerous venues and festivals. Utilizing various platforms and software including Zoom, Netty-McNetface, Kyma, Isadora and OBS (plus whatever means a host festival has selected), Dilate Ensemble embraces wrestling and innovating around network technologies that enable them to successfully connect and interact with sensitivity and immediacy in making live audio-visual art.
For 2021-22, Dilate Ensemble has been selected for a funded residency through ThoughtWorks/ CounterPulse in San Francisco. Carole will be stepping out from under the table to explore architectural niche spaces at CounterPulse, scaling up in a way that can now incorporate the body and movement within composite worlds. This will also be the first occasion for certain members to actually meet and work in person.
DILATE ENSEMBLE has presented work at:
Now Net Arts
echoreaume, Vienna
Montalvo Arts Center, Saratoga, CA
Earth Day Art Model Festival
SEAMUS Festival
CURRENTS New Media Festival, Santa Fe, NM
New Music Gathering Festival
Australasian Computer Music Conference
DILATE video excerpt
The hyperactive eye
nervous, yet
wanting to catch everything.
In April 2020, Carole compressed her work in video installation to fit beneath her kitchen table, creating an intimate live "venue," and invited Gloria, Scott, Luisa and Jon to work with her live visuals in a form of interactive improvisation-based dialogue.
construction of PARASOL
The atomization of light
filtering through the canopy
momentary spotlights
in the thick of the bramble.
PARASOL is a live installation performance exploring the complex behavior of light filtering through a dense canopy of perforated surfaces. Each improvisational performance reveals a different winding path through this intimate space that can appear microscopic one moment and hugely expansive the next.
ON MEMORY II: Scaling the Palace
Interwoven within this projected layered architecture are snippets of memory and narrative contributed by over a dozen participants that point to actions linked with associative memories that play out every time we encounter them in our everyday.
w/guest Paul Chavez, guitar, electronics
poetry by Lyn Hejinian
dream journal by Luisa Muhr
junkyard photos by Jon Raskin
Action/Memory footage contributors:
Regine Verougstraete
Carole Kim
Brenda Bynum
Rebecca Baron
Astra Price
Ursula Brookbank
Kristin Musgnug
Valerie Daval
Alistair Milne
Jacquie Beaubien
Eli Rosenkim
ON MEMORY II: Scaling the Palace
Interwoven within this projected layered architecture are snippets of memory and narrative contributed by over a dozen participants that point to actions linked with associative memories that play out every time we encounter them in our everyday.
w/guest Paul Chavez, guitar, electronics
poetry by Lyn Hejinian
dream journal by Luisa Muhr
junkyard photos by Jon Raskin
Action/Memory footage contributors:
Regine Verougstraete
Carole Kim
Brenda Bynum
Rebecca Baron
Astra Price
Ursula Brookbank
Kristin Musgnug
Valerie Daval
Alistair Milne
Jacquie Beaubien
Eli Rosenkim
ON MEMORY II: Scaling the Palace
Interwoven within this projected layered architecture are snippets of memory and narrative contributed by over a dozen participants that point to actions linked with associative memories that play out every time we encounter them in our everyday.
w/guest Paul Chavez, guitar, electronics
poetry by Lyn Hejinian
dream journal by Luisa Muhr
junkyard photos by Jon Raskin
Action/Memory footage contributors:
Regine Verougstraete
Carole Kim
Brenda Bynum
Rebecca Baron
Astra Price
Ursula Brookbank
Kristin Musgnug
Valerie Daval
Alistair Milne
Jacquie Beaubien
Eli Rosenkim
The title AERIAL refers to the desire for the long view, the perspective that allows for both observation from a distance and inspired understanding in charting one's course. Consistently playing with the perception of scale in Kim's under-the-kitchen-table micro installations, "Aerial" reflects a tenuousness of solidity. Stability/instability.
text excerpt from "Meghom" by Carla Harryman
The title AERIAL refers to the desire for the long view, the perspective that allows for both observation from a distance and inspired understanding in charting one's course. Consistently playing with the perception of scale in Kim's under-the-kitchen-table micro installations, "Aerial" reflects a tenuousness of solidity. Stability/instability.
text excerpt from "Meghom" by Carla Harryman